Senin, 26 September 2011


what is the Android ?


Android is the operating system for mobile phones based on Linux. Android providesan open platform to developers for creating their own applications for use by a variety ofmobile devices. Initially, Google Inc.. bought Android Inc.., newcomers who make software for mobile phones. Then to develop Android, formed the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of 34 companies for hardware, software, andtelecommunications, including Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, andNvidia.

At the inaugural release of Android, 5 November 2007, with the Open Handset AllianceAndroid states support the development of open standards on mobile devices. On the other hand, Google released the Android code under the Apache license, a licensesoftware and open standard mobile device.

In this world there are two types of distributors operating system Android. The first fully supported by Google or Google Mail Services (GMS) and the second is a completely free distribution without direct support Google's otherwise known as the Open HandsetDistribution (OHD).

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